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Home / Animals / Lizards / Bearded Dragons / Translucent Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragons are the best pet reptile and these dragons have been bred for unusual colours.
We are working towards improving the welfare of every pet reptile, which is why our expectations are so much higher than those of some other retailers and breeders. You want a healthy, happy pet and we know that our beardie habitats are a great way to achieve that! Please read our article on minimum standards (see the link in the main description below) to see why our habitats are the most effective on the market.
Our animals are only available for collection in store. Speak to our care team, or visit us in-store to purchase your new pet.
Please read about our minimum standards and why we use them – it’s really important!
The species we know as the bearded dragon (more commonly referred to as the beardie) is the inland or central bearded dragon, which is found across central Australia where they live in the arid and subtropical woodlands, scrublands, savannas, shore areas, and into the great interior deserts. Their range extends throughout the interior of the eastern states to the eastern half of South Australia and south eastern Northern Territory.
Beardies need a large vivarium with plenty of floor space, and a varied diet that includes leafy greens as well as insects. As a diurnal species they need a good strong UV, and a basking spot large enough to cover their entire bodies. They grow so enormously quickly that there is no point starting small and buying a larger habitat as they grow; they use the space more as youngsters, and need the larger basking areas as they age and slow down.
The average lifespan is usually quoted as being 8 to 10 years, but with good care it’s not at all unusual for a dragon to reach its early teens. They are a generally robust species with very few health issues – provided they are kept in a suitable fashion! Most illness is caused by poor husbandry, and is simple to avoid.
As a pet lizard the beardie excels – indeed, they usually become part of the family in a very short space of time!
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