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Copyright 2025 Evolution Reptiles
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Ambilobe panther chameleons are one of the most popular reptile pet species. Big, bold and beautiful, the males are one of the most brightly coloured lizards you’ll ever see.
We are working towards improving the welfare of every pet reptile, which is why our expectations are so much higher than those of some other retailers and breeders. You want a healthy, happy pet and we know that our chameleon habitats are a great way to achieve that! Please read our article on minimum standards (see the link in the main description below) to see why our habitats are the most effective on the market.
Our animals are only available for collection in store. Speak to our care team, or visit us in-store to purchase your new pet.
Please read about our minimum standards and why we use them – it’s really important!
Originally hailing from Madagascar, panther chameleons are one of the most popular pet species. Big, bold and beautiful, the males are one of the most brightly coloured lizards you’ll ever see. The females are more of a uniform salmon pink, although some are more patterned than others. Depending on where the original stock came from you find different colours on the males; Nosy Be males are often bright blue, Ambilobes tend to have the brightest mix of colours, and Ankaramys are pink.
Panther chameleons require the archetypal chameleon setup; large enclosure of either wood or glass, relatively high humidity, lots of plants (real or fake) for cover, and a good source of UV. If provided with everything they need, a panther chameleon should live for 5 to 7 years, with males toward the top end and females at the lower, especially if they are bred from. That said, Panthers do seem to be living longer these days, especially when provided with a bio-active, live planted setup.
They are a good, robust chameleon suitable for the first time keeper, they tend to be very friendly and do seem to bond well with their owners.
Copyright 2021 Evolution Reptiles
All rights reserved.