Adult Bearded Dragon Food Bundle

From: £6.81

It can be hard to know what size bugs to order for our bearded dragons. All of the livefoods here have been selected to suit an adult bearded dragon of 18 months old or more.

It’s always a good idea to offer your beardie a variety of foods. It provides a range of nutrients as well as environmental enrichment.


Product Quantity

Adult Locusts 60-80mm

Adult locusts are great for Bearded Dragons. The winged locusts are approximately 60-80mm long.

XL Locust 35-50mm

XL locusts are our most popular livefood for adult Bearded Dragons. The XL locusts are 35-50mm in length.

Large Silent Crickets 15-20mm

Silent Crickets are soft bodied, palatable and enjoyed by a wide range of species. The large silent crickets measure 15-20mm. Silent crickets aren't actually silent but are less noisy compared to black crickets.

XL Silent Crickets 20-30mm

Silent Crickets are soft bodied, palatable and enjoyed by a wide range of species. The large silent crickets measure 15-20mm. Silent crickets aren't actually silent but are less noisy compared to black crickets.


Morio Worms

Morio worms are sometimes known as superworms. They are a large species of mealworm growing to around 60mm long. They are a very popular food for bearded dragons.

Dubia Roaches

Dubia roaches are a great live food for reptiles. They are easy to care for and very nutritious.

Nutritional Value:

  • High in protein
  • Low in fat
  • Good for bone health


  • Keep them in a ventilated container
  • Maintain temperature at 27-32°C
  • Provide fresh fruits, vegetables, and dry food


  • Place roaches in your reptile's enclosure
  • Dust them with calcium before feeding


  • Easy to handle
  • Safe and convenient
  • Long shelf life

Wax Worms

Wax worms soft bodied insects and are a great treat for many for bearded dragons. They are the larvae of the wax moth, the moths can also be used as livefood.

Fruit Beetle Grubs 20-40mm

Fruit beetle grubs grow to around 40-50mm. They are soft bodied and are loved bearded dragons. They make a great treat.

Out of stock

Pete's Herbivore Salad Mix

Pete's Herbivore Salad Mix is grown especially for reptiles who require a higher fibre content in their greens than are found in conventional supermarket salads. We feed this to our breeding adult bearded dragons in store and and they eat the variety of leaves included in the mix very keenly. Salad may be packed separately from other items.

Out of stock


Our adult bearded dragon food bundle are made for maintaining a healthy life.

How much too feed?

For adult bearded dragons (18 months+) it is recommended that their diet should be 85% vegetation and 15% livefoods.

Something we are often asked is how much should a bearded dragon be fed – closely followed by how often! We always try to advise on amounts and frequencies based on our many years of experience in raising baby bearded dragons, maintaining adult pets, keeping breeding beardies healthy and keeping elderly dragons fit and well.  Click here to read more

As a full adult, give them a day or two off from food. If they won’t eat their greens when there are livefoods around, then consider offering greens on four days, one day of livefoods, then two days off. This isn’t set in stone; it’s completely fine for you to adjust these schedules to find a pattern that suits both you and your dragon.

Offering lots of different food items gives your bearded dragon different tastes, textures and hunting techniques is great for environmental enrichment. The livefoods on this list have all been selected to be ideal for an adult dragon. So do try to make sure that your dragon has the chance to try several different types. When you add lots of different types of salad to the diet, your dragon will be set up for a long, healthy and happy life!  Read our bearded dragon feeding guide for more

Choose from

  • Locusts
  • Crickets
  • Morios
  • Dubia Roaches
  • Fruit Beetle Grubs
  • Waxworms
  • Salad


We have been keeping and breeding bearded dragons for many years now, with great success. But we continue to research the care of bearded dragons as information is always improving.

Do you have a question about feeding your bearded dragon? Email us –

visit our instagram or facebook pages.

Additional information

Adult Locusts 60-80mm

Weight N/A

bag of 100, bag of 50, Pre-pack, super pack

XL Locust 35-50mm

Weight N/A

bag of 100, bag of 50, Pre-pack, super pack

Large Silent Crickets 15-20mm

Weight N/A

bag of 500, Pre-pack

XL Silent Crickets 20-30mm

Weight N/A

bag of 500, Pre-pack

Morio Worms

Weight N/A

250g, 500g, Pre-pack

Dubia Roaches

Weight 0.1 kg

Adult, Large, Medium

Pack Size

Pre-pack, Bag of 100

Wax Worms

Weight N/A

40g, Pre-pack

Fruit Beetle Grubs 20-40mm

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 18.7 × 10.5 × 6 cm


Pete's Herbivore Salad Mix

Weight 0.07 kg