Tortoise House Set Up

From: £301.26

This Tortoise Set Up is designed for a young Mediterranean tortoise, up to 3 years. At this point the tortoise simply outgrows the enclosure and will need an upgrade. These products are tried and tested, and are the products we use in store. The UV and heat combination lamp doesn’t work whilst on a thermostat, so having an accurate digital thermometer is vital to make sure the environment is right for your tortoise.

Product Quantity

Tortoise House

Measures 90x60x30cm


In stock


Reptile Systems D3 UV Basking Lamp

If you are buying this set up for a Hermanns or Horsfield tortoise choose the 100W lamp.
If you are buy this for a Marginated tortoise please choose the 160W lamp


Reptile Systems Ceramic Reflector Clamp Lamp - Large


In stock


ZooMed Lamp Stand


Add An Outdoor Run



This Tortoise Set Up is designed for a young Mediterranean tortoise, up to 3 years. At this point the tortoise simply outgrows the enclosure and will need an upgrade. These products are tried and tested, and are the products we use in store. The UV and heat combination lamp doesn’t work whilst on a thermostat, so having an accurate digital thermometer is vital to make sure the environment is right for your tortoise.


Additional information

Weight 15 kg

Tortoise House

Weight 10.5 kg

Reptile Systems D3 UV Basking Lamp

Weight N/A

100w, 160w

Reptile Systems Ceramic Reflector Clamp Lamp - Large

Weight 0.7 kg

ZooMed Lamp Stand

Weight N/A


Add An Outdoor Run

Weight 10 kg