In this terrarium set up we use a the ZooMed Creature Habitat kit provides everything you need to make a suitable invertebrate habitat, it’s perfect for mantids. The terrarium is 21.6 x 22.3 x 29.9 cm, and is glass with black trimming. It is a great display unit that really highlights the animal. Alongside the terrarium, the kit also includes;
- Creatures Soil Substrate
- Creatures Cave (half log hide)
- Artificial plant
We also have a dome lamp fitting for use with either an LED light if you want to add light without much heat or a halogen light if you do need extra heat for the species you are keeping. Please select the type of lamp you require.
A thermometer and dial hygrometer are also including to help you ensure that you are providing the correct environment for your mantis.
Quick Mantis species guide – mantis not included (available in store only)
Low temperature species – 22c -28c
- Cat Eyed Mantis
- Peacock Mantis
- Budwing Mantis
- Malaysian Flower Mantis
- Dead Leaf Mantis
- Shield Mantis
- Alien Head Mantis
- Ghost Mantis
- Giant African Mantis
Higher temperature species – 30c -35c
- Thistle Mantis
- Wandering Violin Mantis
- Devils Flower Mantis